Teacher Training Outline

We invite you to awaken to the Universal Tantra of Truth, Holy Love.

In this Shivakti Tantra Yoga Teacher Training, we will study breath, asana, movement and stillness,  within the traditional context of the eight limbs of Yoga as laid out in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali over 2000 years ago, woven with Shamanic Tantric Teachings and Esoteric Philosophy.  We will shine the light of our own experience on these ancient sutras, teachings and transmissions, while exploring how they are relevant for us today and what is revealed through our own bodies as divine channels. "Shivakti" is the inner alchemy sacred union of Shiva & Shakti, the dance of the divine, which we aim to explore and embody through our full range of practices. We are graced and supported by integral teachers, pillars and guest speakers as outlined below.

As for the postures themselves and sequencing, we will draw primarily on the Krishnamacharya lineage. We will reflect on Desikachar's emphasis on the importance of the breath and adapting the practice of Yoga to the individual. For the bio-mechanical alignment we will rely heavily on Anusara's Universal Principles of Alignment. John Friend, the Creator of Anusara, was a student of B.K.S. Iyengar (who was a student of Krishnamacharya) for many years and created these principles out of his studies in Iyengar Yoga.

For sacred embodiment as "Art", we will draw from the powerful priestesses of Tantric Yoga & Temple Dance presenting here. We put a lot of emphasis on the divine feminine expressing herself, moving from inner to outer.

We will additionally explore the dynamics of vinyasa in contrast with Yin Yoga and the subtleties of the inner body. We will explore Shakti Kundalini Flow Yoga, while also learning unique ways of magical attuning, surrendering and blossoming into the Heart of Holy Love.

We will explore from the roots of the Tree of Yoga, Stone-age Shamanism, on up through the ages and stages of the sacred journey. We will open ourselves to be the vessels and holy instruments of Source Wisdom.

In summary, we weave Intention, Ritual, Pranayama, Shakti Kundalini Flow Yoga, Ashtanga, Shamanic Practices, Shivakti Tantra Yoga Movements, Anusara Principles of Alignment, the interplay of Dynamic Vinyasa & Passive Deep Yin Yoga, Temple Dance, Mantras, Yantras, Mudras, Meditations, Ayurveda, Ecstatic Expression, deep inward reflections, Artful embodiment, Deity Yoga, Sound Healing, Vibrational toning and more, all into the ceremonial tapestry of the eternal lovers as Shiva and Shakti. May we brilliantly shine the light of Holy Love in our Divine Presence of Radiant Being.

“Shall Time’s best jewel in Time’s chest lie hid – or who its’ beauty shall forbid?” 

Holy Love Institute of Tantra Yoga


Shivakti Tantra Yoga Teacher Trainings


The Many Faces of Shakti, Ritualistic Goddess Yoga Workshops


2024 Schedule

200-hour Tantra Yoga Foundations: (300-hour to be posted by 1/1/24)

*Please note, there are more classes than what is listed below, these are simply the primary "foundations" to give you an overall understanding of what we encompass.

“Breath of Holy Love” - Sharene Shamana Ma

Why we practice/Intention - Sharene Shamana Ma, Natalia Price  & Elizabeth Bast

Tantra Yoga Philosophy/History -  Sharene Shamana Ma & Sourcing from Christopher "Hareesh" Wallis

Tree of Yoga - Sharene Shamana Ma

Postures & Asanas - Michelle Scarbrough & Sharene Shamana Ma

Ashtanga & Surya Namaskars - Michelle Scarbrough

Yoga Sutras - Nubia Teixeira

Shamanic Tantric Wisdom - Sharene Shamana Ma and Elizabeth Bast

Yantras, Mantras & Mudras - Natalia Price, Shamana Ma, Chantell and Nubia Teixeira

Deepening & Expanding

Emotional Compost & Centering - Sharene Shamana Ma

Artful Alignment Principles - Sharene Shamana Ma

Art of Anatomy & Somatics - Annette Martinez, Luna Lauren & Luxy Lou

Bridging Neo-Tantra, Classical Tantra & Shamanic Tantra - Shamana Ma, Kamala Marta, Luna Lauren & Elizabeth Bast

Sensual Somatic Expression - Luna Lauren

Chakras - Mira Annette

Aquarian Kundalini Yoga - Kamala Marta

Shaktiva Kundalini Yoga - Sharene Shamana Ma

Shivakti Tantra Yoga - Sharene Shamana Ma

Deity Yoga - Sharene Shamana Ma & Chantell

Tantrik Meditation / Awareness - Elizabeth Bast, Lakshmi Del Sesto, Natalia Price, Chantell, Shamana Ma & Papa Love

Loving Communication - Shamana Ma & Papa Love

Many Faces of Shakti - Shamana Ma

Devotional Bhakti - Elizabeth Bast, Lakshmi Del Sesto & Sharene Shamana Ma

Yogic Breathing/Pranayama - Rafaella & Sharene Shamana Ma

Nutrition for Yoginis - Michelle Scarbrough

Ayurveda - TBA

Yoga Sanskrit Glossary  - Nubia Teixeira & Shamana Ma

Temple Dance - Natalia Price & Chantell

The Stories of the Gods & Goddesses - Shamana Ma, Nubia Teixeira & Lakshmi Del Sesto

The Bhagavad Gita - Sharene Shamana Ma & Nubia Teixeira

Bhakti Kirtan - Lakshmi Del Sesto

Sound Healing - Lakshmi, Chantell, Jezzerae & Leah

Rituals & Ceremony - Natalia Price, Chantell & Sharene Shamana Ma

Tantrik Lifestyle - Sharene Shamana Ma

Full Moon Workshops - Natalia Price

The Art of Teaching

Seeing & Understanding bodies - Michelle Scarbrough & Sharene Shamana Ma

Sequencing poses - Michelle Scarbrough & Sharene Shamana Ma

Presence of Being - Shamana Ma & Patrick Papa Love

Class themes/formats -  Shamana Ma

Demonstration Principles - Michelle Scarbrough & Sharene Shamana Ma

Use of touch/adjustments - Michelle Scarbrough & Sharene Shamana Ma

Business of teaching Yoga - Patrick Papa Love

Teachers code of ethics -Shamana Ma


Attendance, Homework - Luxy Lou

Student Correspondence - Shamana Ma

Payments - Patrick Papa Love

Completion & Certificate - Shamana Ma

You will be encouraged to take these methods home to your own practice and reflect on your own experience. For it is here that the spirit and practice of Yoga is embodied and its essence revealed. It is here that you will begin to discover for yourself what is true for you in relation to all that we are studying. The truth lies within. The true teacher "Wahe Guru" is the Light of the Lamp within you. Our aim is to assist you is shining that Lamp.

OM, Sat Nam, in Holy Love.