Holy Love is an essence of being: love, peace, compassion, and a mutual understanding of respect. Holy Love means living in harmony with the people and land around you with mercy, sympathy, grace, and kindness.
Take a moment to reflect at the beginning of your practice, to inquire within yourself - What is my present condition? How may I draw in with my breath, the essence of "Holy Love"? How may I breathe in with ease and with grace?
What is currently happening in my life, body and environment? How may I bring all my senses to the present moment? What would help bring more balance, peace, harmony, clarity?
Here at the Holy Love Institute of Tantra Yoga, our offerings are learned through academic study, focused practice and intuitive - learned through shamanic inquiry. You will learn to discern for yourself when to lean in to formal studies and when (and how) to tune in to your internal guidance.
It is our prayer to be clear conduits for Divine Remembrance, for all parts of you to feel the vibrations of true holy love, the kiss of kundalini bliss, to reclaim all your soul parts from across space and time to be embodied now.
With an open heart, open mind, open body, you are invited you to ride the cosmic energy train, allowing the energy to flow where it needs to go, moving beyond old blocks, opening yourself up to limitless expansion -- and if ready, Kundalini Awakening and the flight of the hummingbird within, the Spirit.
Holy Love means to be in the presence. When we are in the presence or spirit, we radiate the divine in everything we do, everything we are, and everything we say. Since great spirit is love, when we embrace that truth, we open ourselves to serving with love. It influences everything.
Holy Love gives us purpose. It forever will be and has always been a part of who we are. We can connect to Holy Love and extend it to everyone in any situation.
Holy Love means to venerate. Venerate means to uplift, to lift up or raise up. We can raise ourselves up with holy love. We can raise others up with holy love. We can help each other to be more and to be better, to be more closer to the spirit that we truly are.
Holy Love is the experience of being welcomed. It’s the experience of being welcomed, loved, and accepted as family instantaneously. Not after a period of time of getting to know someone, but instantaneously and unconditionally. We hope in our Holy Love Kula, in our family, you will feel safe, honored, seen, welcomed, respected, loved.
Holy Love is just a way of life and encompasses our values. Keep your Light Bright.
Breathe in Holy Love, you are welcome here.
Breath is Life, the love of God/dess.
We will differentiate between Yogic Breathing and Pranayama, giving a breakdown of each fundamental Pranayama Practice with demonstrations & practices of each. We delve into what pranayama means, the benefits, history (going back to the Upanishad/Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras, Pradipika) & overview.
Preparation for meditation: In Yoga Meditation, breath training is essential preparation for deep meditation and samadhi, on the path to Self-Realization. Breath is the bridge between the body and the mind. When you regulate breath, the body and mind will follow.
Practices are known by different names: To avoid confusion, it is useful to note that the collective practice, of which breathing and pranayama practices are considered a part, may be known by different names when used by different modern teachers. This is particularly true with the practices dealing with the spinal energy and the vigorous practices. The breathing and pranayama practices may be known collectively, or considered to be part of pranayama alone, hatha Yoga, raja Yoga, kundalini Yoga, kriya Yoga, tantra, or simply Yoga.
It begins and ends with awareness: Breath awareness is so important that, in a sense, you can say that the whole science of breath begins with awareness, and ends with awareness. Everything else, in the middle, is preparation for awareness.
We will explore many pranayama practices and also Shamanic Breathwork.
Description: Intention, energy and breath-work, including guided pranayama practices into the ten top pranayama practices to teach.